FAQ-Why does my Form ask for a student's section for each response?

This article helps explain why a user may be asked to enter a student's section for a form response

When creating a Form as an Admin, you have several options for choosing to whom the form applies.  Sometimes Admins will select the option "To gather information about students and classes" assuming this is the correct setting to gather information about students in their school.

However, when creating a Form, an Admin has two options for gathering information about students.  Which setting the Admin chooses depends on the purpose of the Form.

If an Admin wants to gather general information about students, i.e. a "Student Update Form" which will update the student profile page or a "Hot Lunch Form" which prompts one form per student, you will want to select "To gather information about users" in your Form Settings and then select "Students" in the window that prompts, "Who is this form gathering information about?"

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If an Admin is creating a Form that pertains specifically to a section, i.e. a Discipline Form which prompts in which section the issue occurred, then the Admin should choose, "To gather information about students and classes".  The user completing the form will be prompted to not only enter the student's name but also the section name.

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In general, most Forms pertaining to students will be set as "To gather information about users".


Related Documentation

Forms Overview

Creating a Form - Step One

Creating a Form - Step Tw0