Course Registration - Overview

Course Registration is one way to enroll students in classes for a given Academic Term that gives choices to the guardian/student.

Course Registration can be completed by a Guardian, Student or Admin and is most often used when students have course options in the upper grades.  It is routinely used by colleges and non-traditional schools where students have the opportunity to sign up for their own courses.

Admins establish a set time period for each registration when they want Guardians/Students to complete and submit them.  The Guardians/Students are given a notification on their home screen in ClassReach that allows them to click and begin. 

The Course Registration time period is between a specific start date/time and a due date.    The due date is not enforced, but admins can add an optional 'stop accepting registrations date' that removes the customer's registration links and notifications.  After the stop date, only admins can complete a registration until the end of the Academic Term. 



During Registration, Guardians/Students/Admins page through groups of courses and select their choices by clicking the "Add this Course" button on each course.


After they've completed their selections, they review their choices, add optional comments and submit their registration.


After the registration is submitted, the admin can review the student's course selections, read any comments, confirm their schedule is valid with no conflicts and accept the registration.  At this point the system enrolls the student in all their courses.


Course Registration - Pro Tier Features

The following additional features are available to Pro Tier schools. 

Pro Tier schools can contact ClassReach Support to have these features enabled.

  • Enforcing Max Course Capacity
  • Registration Payments 
  • Integrated Financial Agreements
  • Waitlist

Enforcing Course Capacity

This feature allows admins to set a maximum number of students for each course/section and during registration, the Guardian/Student will not be able to register for a section that's full.



Registration Payments

Admins can set up a payment option during registration where guardians/students can pay all of the tuition for each course or make a deposit as seen below.  In order to submit the registration and reserve a seat in the course(s), the Guardian/Student is required to pay first.


Integrated Financial Agreements

Prior to making the payment, Guardians/Students are required to sign a Financial Agreement with the school that details out the charges and any discounts for the registration.  This agreement is an automated version of the standard ClassReach Financial Agreement which includes specific course tuition charges and can be customized for annual school tuition, discounts, scholarships, etc.  Once the admin publishes the agreement to the financial account, the family/student is charged the remaining tuition and it can be set up in a payment plan.



If a section has an enforced max capacity, admins may also enable a waitlist for that section. 

The Waitlist is enabled on the Section Info page when creating or editing the section.  See the article - Creating/Editing Sections

If a section is full, the Guardian/Student/Admin completing the registration can put the student on a waitlist for that section.  

A student will not be charged for waitlisted classes and can see that they're on the waitlist on their completed registration.

Admins can see who's on the waitlist for a section when they review the registration prior to accepting it.  If a seat opens, they can add the student via either revising the registration or by editing the section itself.


To help admins decide which student on the waitlist should be added to a course, the Section Info page includes the waitlist and the date/time each student submitted their registration.


To set up the Course Registration please refer to the following articles and video.

Related Documentation

Course Registration Part 1 - Creating/Editing the Registration Process

Course Registration Part 2 - Creating/Editing Offered Courses

Course Registration Part 3 - Registration Payments

Enforcing Course Capacity