Creating/Editing Sections

Within this document we will discuss how to create or edit a Section and the different settings you can use.

In order to create Sections you must first set up Courses.

Course vs. Section

A course can be looked at as the “Subject” provided by a school. Meanwhile, a section is better looked at as the specific class taking that subject. For example: A school offers an 8:00 a.m. Algebra II class taught by Mrs. Johnson and then an 11:30 a.m. Algebra II class taught by Mr. Richards. This would be set up in ClassReach as follows: an Algebra II Course containing two Sections, one for Mrs. Johnson’s class and one for Mr. Richard’s class.


Create a New Section

  • Navigate to the Courses page 
  • Use the left hand side bar to find the desired course
  • Click on the course.
  • Click the +Section button within the window.
  • Fill out all relevant fields:

    • Section Number: REQUIRED.  Enter a number (or name) for your section.
    • Academic Term: REQUIRED.  Select the Academic Term when this section will be active.  This section only exists in this one Academic Term.    When you move to the next Academic Term you will need a new Section - either create it or copy using the Data Copier.
    • Classroom: This is where you can designate a physical classroom location (Room 205) if you have created them in ClassReach Settings.  This will show on the students' schedules.
    • Grading Unit Group: REQUIRED.  Designate a Grading Unit Group (set up on the School Settings page), if you have created them for this term.  Grading Units will determine your grade reporting periods throughout the Academic Term (when you send out Progress Reports).   If you do not use Grading Units, then select "Default Unit Group."
    • Capacity: REQUIRED.  The maximum number of students you allow in this section
    • Enforce?: REQUIRED. Pro Tier Feature.  This will prohibit admins from exceeding the section's student capacity during enrollment (section page, student's school page, Quick Enroll and Course Registration).  It is also enforced when guardians/students are using Course Registration to register for classes.
    • Waitlist?: Pro Tier Feature.   Used in conjunction with enforcing capacity, this feature allows students to be waitlisted to get into the section if it's full.
    • Start Time: REQUIRED.  Enter the time when class begins per your schedule
    • End Time: REQUIRED.  Enter the time when class ends per your schedule
    • Period: If your school operates with periods, you can designate this section’s period here.  **Periods determine the order that a teacher's sections show up on their Quick Access menu and their left sidebar**
    • Select Meeting Days: Indicate the days of the week that this section meets. This sets up the eligible days for taking attendance.
    • Gradebook Settings: REQUIRED.  This is where you can designate a Gradebook Setting which has been previously set up on the School Settings page.  For example, you might have Gradebook Settings for all "Math Classes" or "Grades 7-12."  When you select the "Math Classes" Gradebook Settings, those settings (Grade Mappings, Grading Scale, Grading Categories, etc) will be applied to this specific section.  The teacher will not be able to change these settings.
    • Use Custom Gradebook Settings: If you would like to allow the teacher to create their own gradebook settings, you can check this box.
    • Add Teachers: Here you can use the drop down to add teacher(s).
    • Add Students: Here you can use the drop down to add students.
  • Click Save.

Edit a Section

Any of the above fields can by edited for a specific section by the following steps:  

  • Navigate to the Courses page 
  • Use the left hand side bar to find the desired course
  • Click on a specific course
  • Click on the section (organized by Academic Term on the right side of the Course page) 
  • Click Edit in the upper right corner (on the orange bar)

At this point, any of the fields can be edited as follows:

  • Teachers, Students, Waitlist Students can be added
  • Teachers, Students, Waitlist Students can be deleted

Deleting a student from the Edit Section page will remove them from the section, but it will treat them as "Dropped" and their records will be kept.  If you add the student back into the section, their records will reappear.  

  • Waitlist Students can be enrolled 


If capacity is enforced and the section is at capacity, the admin can not enroll another student unless an enrolled student is removed, capacity is increased or "Enforce" is changed to No.

  • All other fields can be edited with the following caveats:
    • Grading Unit Group can not be changed once grades are entered in the gradebook
    • Gradebook Settings can not be changed once grades are entered in the gradebook

Delete a Section

From the Edit Section page...

  • Delete the Teacher(s)
  • Delete the Students

At this point the red delete button will appear in the upper right and the section can be deleted.  See the warning below.


If the section is deleted, all data tied to the Section will be lost. This action is irreversible.  The admin will have to acknowledge this statement by typing DELETE in all CAPS.  At this point, all student grades, etc are deleted and not recoverable.