Adding Transferred Courses

This article discusses how to add transferred courses into a student's record.

As an Admin, you may have the ability of adding transferred courses to a student’s record.

  • This is a permissions based task. If you do not see some of the options or buttons described in this document, then you may not have the proper permissions to complete this task. If you feel you should have the permissions to complete this task, please contact the lead admin for your school.

Adding transferred courses to a student’s record is a great way to show different courses a student may have taken at another school. 

  • Sign in to your ClassReach Admin account.
  • Navigate to the People page.
  • Locate the student whose transfer courses you would like to add.
  • View the student’s User Info Form by selecting their name from the list.
  • Select the Transfer tab.
  • Click the Edit icon.
  • Complete the relevant fields:
    • Academic Term: select the Academic Term for the course(s) being added.

NOTE:  You must have the Academic Terms specified in the School Settings prior to adding Transfer courses.  Contact Support if you need us to add in "old" Academic Years, which are needed before you can add in the "old" Academic Term.

    • Add Course: The name of the course and how you’d like it to appear on reports.
    • Grade: The numerical grade you’d like to assign to the course (required).
      • Ensure the grade is a numerical grade.  It should be in the 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 range (The numerical grade is required as it will "break" the transcript report if it's missing).
    • Credits: The number of credits you consider earned for this course.
    • School: The name of the school or program where the student took the course.
    • Transcript: Check this box if you would like the course to show on the student’s transcript.
    • Affects GPA: Check this box if you would like the course to affect the student’s GPA.
    • Letter: The letter grade for the course.
    • Custom GPA: If this course affects the GPA in a different way than your school’s GPA settings dictate, input it here.
    • Custom Mark: If you would like to show a custom mark for this grade (set in school’s transcript settings) select that here.
    • Add Course: Add another new course.

Related Documents:

Transcripts - Putting it all together