Adding charges to your customer's accounts can be done in two ways. 1) By batch using the Transaction Batches on your Financial Summary page which this article will cover and 2) Individually by customer via the Financial Customer page .
Important Note: To access your school's Financial Suite, you must be either be designated a Super Admin or have been granted “View and Edit” permissions for Financial Permissions. If neither of these apply to you, you must contact someone in your school with Super Admin privileges.
One important aspect which applies to all pages of the financial suite is the School Year drop-down in the upper right of every page. Be sure to select the appropriate school year when viewing or editing any information on that page!
Using Transaction Batches to Add Customer Charges:
This feature is found on the Financial > Summary page in the Transaction Batches section. Click ADD BATCH in the upper right to begin the process:
Fill in the relevant fields:
- Name: The name as you would like it to appear
- Invoice Due Date: The date you would like the invoice to be due
- Create new invoice for all customers? If yes, charges from this batch will be posted a new invoice. If no, charges will be posted to existing invoices if possible.
- Click the Download CSV Template button and fill out the next set of questions:
- Category - Required - select from this drop-down the Financial Account Category this batch of transactions is related to.
- Will the transactions be tied to specific students? - Required - This is meant to add the expense for a specific student. Below are two example csv downloads - 1) not tied to specific students 2) Tied to specific students
- CSV File Name - Required - this is the name of the file that will be downloaded to your computer.
- CSV Example- Not tied to specific students; there will be one row for every financial family in the specific financial year you are working in.
- CSV Example - Tied to specific students
Note the extra column with the student's name; there will be one row for every student in the specific financial year you are working in.
- CSV Example- Not tied to specific students; there will be one row for every financial family in the specific financial year you are working in.
- You can use Excel or Google Sheets to prepare your transactions.
- Do NOT delete any of the columns - they are all needed to perform the upload
- You may delete rows - only keeping the families/ students which will have a charge.
- Be sure to add the numeric value of the amount you wish to charge to the Amount to Charge column. The amounts should include decimals, such as 50.00 rather than just 50. No currency symbol needed.
Upload the Transactions
Once you completed your edits to the CSV file.
First, you'll need to find the batch you started from the list and click on it:
Now you are ready to upload the file using the Upload Transactions button, chose the file to upload and then Save.
The results will be shown for one last review; click on Publish Batch if you are satisfied and ready to post the charges or click Delete Batch of you need to make further changes.
Batches run take a few minutes to run, and then you'll be able to see the charges posted in that time frame - below is an example charge from the above batch. Notice it is the Category and Account you selected for the charges that appear on the Category, and Batch Upload will show in the Description field.
Related Documentation:
Adding Charges to Individual Accounts
Financial Accounts and Categories