Take a peek behind-the-scenes at some of the governing rules for ClassReach Financials
Invoices are posted 20 days before their due date.
- Families are notified of the invoice
- Families can see the invoice
- Payment plan invoices are always visible
When publishing a transaction batch or a financial agreement for a customer that has existing invoices, the amount will only be split among unposted invoices.
- For example, if you add a tuition charge after the family has enrolled in a monthly payment plan and the first invoice is due within 20 days (it's "posted"), the amount will NOT be added to that invoice, but will be spread among the remaining monthly invoices
The “Balance Due” for a customer includes all invoices that are posted and unpaid. In contrast, the “Total Balance” for a customer will also include unposted invoices in the total, and it will also include charges that haven’t been invoiced yet (i.e. the customer hasn’t set up a payment plan)
- If you have a remaining balance and the Payment button is grayed out, this means you have a charge that has not been invoiced (this is often part of a Financial Agreement charge)
Scheduled payments for AutoPay are created 10 days before the invoice due date (default setting). Contact ClassReach Support if you'd like to change this setting.
Multiple invoices will be combined into one scheduled payment for AutoPay if their due date is the same and they are tied to the same customer payment method for AutoPay
If AutoPay fails, it will be automatically retried for 3 total payment attempts (default setting). Contact ClassReach Support if you'd like to change this setting.
The time between attempts is 14 days (default setting). Contact ClassReach Support if you'd like to change this setting.