Viewing Student's Agenda

This article shows guardians how to access their student's agenda

As a guardian, you have the ability to view your student’s agenda within your ClassReach account. This helps you stay up to date with what your student(s) are doing each day. If you are a guardian of multiple students,  you have the ability to view all of your student(s)’ agendas at once.

  • Sign in to your Guardian ClassReach account.
  • Click Agenda from the far left column. This will load the current week’s agenda.
  • Use the Previous Week and the Next Week buttons to view past and upcoming agendas.
  • If you have multiple students,  you can use the drop down at the top right of the window to sort by student or to view all.

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  • Below the weekly summary blocks, you can then find any assignment sheets that have been uploaded as a file.