As a teacher, you have the ability of viewing class roster for your sections. This is a great way to get a quick glance of the students (and their guardians) currently enrolled in your section.
View / Print entire section roster:
- First, from your Home page, select the section you'd like to view, navigating from your left-hand navigation bar:
- On the Section page, click on Roster in the Class Resources section on the right:
- This will open up a new browser window with a printable roster. From here you can click on the Print Roster button to get a hard copy of the report.
View / Print individual students in your section roster:
- You can also easily access your student roster on the lower right-hand side of the section page which lists your students and their guardians:
- Each name is actually a link to that person's profile information. Click on the link of the name you want to view and their profile page will appear:
- The information available varies by school and what information they choose to collect and make available to teachers.