FAQ - What does the Academic Term Dropdown List do?

In the lower left corner, bottom of the left sidebar, on the People page there is a DDL for Academic Terms.

This dropdown list (DDL) allows you to select the Academic Term and then filter students by academic level for that Academic Term.

You must select the Academic Term from the Academic Term DDL first or it won't change/update the list.


The Academic Term DDL allows you to do two things.

  1. After you've selected Academic Term, you can filter by Academic Level and it will list for you the students that are that Academic Level in the selected Academic Term.
  2. It sets the default Academic Term for all students on the page, so if you click an individual student's school tab it will default to that Academic Term.  

Using the Academic Term DDL is very useful when enrolling students in sections via Quick Enroll or one at a time via the student's school tab.