FAQ - how do weighted grade categories work?

How is a weighted grade calculated and what if I don't have a grade in one or more categories?

In Gradebook Settings, Grading Categories organize the various grades for a class. Each category has a weight, which represents how much it contributes to the final grade.  

We will answer two questions here:

A common first question is "how does this work?"

Example 1 - a grade in every category

An example with these categories with weights - Tests (60%), Homework (25%), Participation (15%)

If the student has the following averages in each category - Tests (75%), Homework (95%), Participation (80%) then their overall average would be computed as:

((75*.6) + (95*.25)+(80*.15)) / 1 = 80.75%

- multiply each category percent grade by the decimal equivalent weight

- add them together

- divide by 1 (this is 100% of the possible categories)

Next question is "What if I have one or more empty categories?"

Example 2 - no grade in at least one category

Same example with three categories with weights - Tests (60%), Homework (25%), Participation (15%)

If the student has the following averages in two categories - Tests (75%), Homework (95%), but no grade yet in the Participation category, then their overall average would be computed as:

((75*.6) + (95*.25)) / .85 = 80.88%

- multiply each category percent grade by the decimal equivalent weight

- add them together

- divide by .85 (this is the decimal equivalent of the Tests and Homework weights added together:  .60 + .25 = .85).  In this case, the Participation grade is not factored in yet.