Directory (NEW) - Teacher Viewing

A new updated directory is now available for your school, providing Family, Student, Teacher, Department Head and Admin directories. This is a great reference for your school families and staff.


If your school has chosen to include all members by default, then at a minimum, all active students and families for the current school year will display at least first and last name and for students, their academic level.  All other data would have the option to "OPT OUT" via your user profile page. See below for more details.

Accessing the Directory:

For Teachers, Guardians and Students, you will find access to your school's directory on the left navigation bar (when enabled-not all schools elect to utilize the directory)

On the Directory page, the various directories available to you will display across the top of the page as tabs:

Family Directory:

The Family directory is a useful tool for finding family units in your school.

Directory Filters: There are two filters at the top if you'd like to narrow down the list to find a specific name or to filter by academic level. This can be helpful when you are looking to get in touch with say your 5th grader families.

Sorting: Clicking on the column headers allows you to sort your directory results by that column. For example if you want the student directory to sort by academic level as shown in the example below:

Message: You can message anyone on the directory by selecting the envelop icon on the far right side of each person's data row. This will bring up the messaging feature of ClassReach and when finished, take you back to the directory.

Print: You can select the print icon in the upper right corner of the directory to print the results shown on your page. Sample directory print below:

Student, Guardian, and Admin Directories:

These directories are very similar although your school could choose to display different data fields for each type of directory. 

Download - The down arrow icon next to the print icon. These directories also have the added option to Download to CSV the directory results in addition to the Print feature.

Controlling what personal data is shown in your school directory:

Each school configures what data elements they would like to include in their school directories. Each individual (student, guardian, staff) has the ability to further control which of their personal data elements are included in the directory.

This is controlled through the PROFILE page, access view your profile info in the top right hand corner of any page:

To configure your personal data, choose your name in the profile (guardians also have a page for family as well as each family member)

You will see each of the fields your school has configured available for you to opt in or out of. A check mark means you want that data to be included, a blank check box means you would like it to be excluded.

Guardians also may configure their Family directory data as well as each of their student's data by going to those pages at the top of PROFILE and then selecting the Directory page - the family page example is below - note the directory options are for the Family Directory only: