Teachers and Admins can enter/edit Homework. Homework allows for a start date, due date, file attachments and online submissions.
Note: the label "Homework" can be renamed by a school admin. Some common alternative names for Homework are Assignments and Coursework.
To Access Homework:
1) Clicking on the course section in the left-hand navigation bar
2) Clicking on the Homework page in the section header.
From the Section Homework page, you can view, edit or create homework.
Create/Edit/View homework
To Create: Click on the +CREATE HOMEWORK button in the lower right of the page, and a new window is displayed which allows you to create a new assignment.
To Edit or View: click on the homework already displayed on the Homework page.
- Name - this is what will appear on the Homework page summary grid for your students/guardians as well as in the gradebook.
- Description - enter details about the homework, instructions, etc.
- Upload Files for Homework - If you have a document that is associated with the homework, then you can upload it here.
- Category - This drop-down list is from Gradebook Settings, Grading Categories set by your school's Administrator. (The Grading Categories for this section are also shown on the section GRADES page)
- Hide Grade from Students - If you are not sharing the grades with the class at this time, this will allow you to hide the grade.
- Start Date - The date the homework becomes visible to students/guardians.
- Due Date - The date of the homework on the student’s agenda, overview and calendar pages.
- Extra Credit - the points for this homework will be add to the point received, but not the points possible (it's extra credit) for the selected category.
- Points Possible - This is the total number of points that can be earned by the assignment.
- Submissions Allowed - Yes will allow online submissions for this homework.
- Display in Calendar - The homework will display on the calendar on the due date.
- Additional Sections - If you would like to copy this homework into other sections, then you can input those here.
Once all the relevant fields are complete, click Save.