Course Registration - Guardian Walkthrough

How to Register for classes if your school uses Course Registration

The Course Registration Process varies by school.  Some schools have the option to enforce Max Capacity (limit the enrollment in specific courses), let you put your name on a waitlist if a course is full, and/or include payments as part of registration.  These options are described here.

Basic Course Registration Walkthrough

Guardians will receive a notification when Course Registration is open.  

Click "View Item" or "Course Registration" to view it.  You may also go directly to the student's Profile page > School tab by clicking your name/picture in the upper right corner and selecting "View Profile."

From the student's school tab, ensure that the right Academic Year and Academic Term are selected and then you will see the Course Registration.  If registration is open, you will see the green button "Start Registration."

Before you begin, please read the Instructions that were posted by your school's admin on this page.  After you've read the instruction you can click on "Start Registration."


Depending on your school's set up, after clicking "Start Registration," you will immediately be presented with the first group of courses to choose.  Courses are divided into groups to help you clarify how to make selections.

At the top of each group of courses you will see that title of the group, "Foreign Language" in the below example.  Below that is a Search bar to help you quickly navigate to the desired course.

NOTE:  If your school is allowing you to choose specific sections, you will see the details under the course name such as Section, Teacher, Period, Times and how many seats are taken.

Click the red "+ Add this course" button to make your selection.  In the below example, Spanish 1 was selected which turned the border green, shows Selected at the bottom and gives you the option to remove it by clicking the trash can in the bottom right.


After making your course selection, click the Next button in the bottom right.  You will then page through several groups of courses.  

When you are completed you can review your courses, edit any group you'd like to change, add comments and then click "Submit Registration" when you are done.


After submitting, you will see the date appear next to "Submitted" in the Status section.  You will also be able to review the course list.  This will always be located on the student's Profile > School tab.

Other Options you may see

Max Capacity and Waitlist

If your school enforces Max Capacity by limiting the enrollment in specific sections, you will not be able to choose a course/section if it's full.  Below, the Algebra II section is at Max Capacity (5 of 5 seats are taken) and this section is not available to select.  The black bar indicates "Section is full."

Also, if there is a waitlist available (Waitlists are optional and your school admin decides if a specific section will have a waitlist), there will be a checkbox below the black bar that you can check to be put on the waitlist for that section.


Payment Information

If your school enables payments as part of registration, instead of submitting the registration from the review screen you will click next which will take you to a draft of the Financial/Tuition Agreement.  You will be prompted to Sign the Agreement (agreeing to all charges, deposits and discounts) for this specific student.  Signing is required to proceed and submit the registration.


After clicking next, if your school charges a tuition deposit, then the next screen will show the invoice for the deposit and you will be required to pay by choosing a payment method or entering a new one.  The deposit payment is required prior to submitting the registration.