ClassReach - Forms issues - Jan 16, 2025

We are currently experiencing several issues related to Forms that have been identified, fixed, tested and scheduled to release in tonight's deployment at 9:30PM CST.

Last week, we made a significant upgrade to the architecture behind our custom form workflow.   Thanks to the assistance of several of our school admins, we’ve identified a few form errors that resulted from the upgrade.  We have completed and tested the fixes and will be releasing them tonight.

Today, if you build a custom form, including a workflow, and publish that form, it will work correctly, as forms have previously.  However, if after the form is published, an admin edits one of the form settings (such as renaming the form or changing the due date) the form will break and will no longer allow users to start, edit or submit the form.   The published form cannot be fixed by the admin.

Today, if you duplicate a form with a workflow, the workflow on the new copied form will not work.  This can be fixed manually by an admin.

After tonight’s fix, there may be a few of your existing published forms that still do not work for either of the above situations.  We can help you with those.  Please contact ClassReach Support and we will be glad to work with you to get your form working again.  Our sincere apologies for the challenges this has presented to some of you and thank you for your patience and understanding.